Showing posts with label Kickstarter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kickstarter. Show all posts

Monday, May 9, 2016

Kickstarter: Corrupted Kingdoms (Campaign has ended)

Even though the Campaign has ended the Pnp Demo Files are still available.

Corrupted Kingdoms is a fun strategy and negotiation game set in a fantasy world, where you take on the role of an evil corporate monster, fighting for power over the pathetic united kingdoms and its political elite. To advance your hidden agenda, and enrich the lives of your friends and associates, you will use your horde of minions to corrupt and subvert the assembly of the realm. Use the right kinds of "persuasion", increase your own power, and push backroom deals through the assembly, all while looting the kingdom and its people of all its worth.

Kickstarter: Ave: A Game of Deceit and Glory in Ancient Rome (14 Days Left to Back)

In Ave (Ah-Vay), each player represents a powerful Roman General, Senator, Noble, or Priestess battling for favor in the Emperor's court. Using deceit, backstabbing, diplomacy, or simple violence, rise to the top and annihilate your rivals. Ave is a fast-paced competitive card game for 2-4 players.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Kickstarter: Campaign Trail (25 Days Left to back)

Campaign Trail is a strategy board game in which players pit their campaign skills against one another as they vie for the Presidency of the United States. The confetti is flying, the champagne is flowing, and you have just accepted your party's nomination for President of the United States. Now it's time to hit the Campaign Trail! How will you chart your path to victory?

Kickstarter: The Wizards Path (26 days left to Back)

The Wizards Path is a worker placement / hand management game for 1-4 players ages 12 and up. Each player represents an elemental Wizard that has a natural affinity to one of the four basic elements:  Air, Earth, Fire, or Water. Players build their Path by using a discard cost mechanic, then use the Focuscroll (game board) abilities to help put the cards in sequence, creating a balanced Wizards Path.

When your Path is strong enough, you will be able to summon powerful spells, known as the Majum. Use the court cards as support to your Path or petition the allied courts to gain influence.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Kickstarter: Dale of Merchants 2 (21 days Left to Back)

The world has grown smaller. Civilizations around different continents have established independent free trade cities in order to ease trading between distant lands. One of those cities, Yingwan, is now looking for a new ruler – a new Trade Master.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

[Kickstarter] Strife

 Here is a game from Kickstarter 

- Please enjoy and consider backing this project! -

Strife, a two-player, tarot-sized, strategy card game that plays in around an hour, is a game of perfect information in which you always know your opponent's options.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Kickstarter projects YOU should fund.

Want to support your local developers but not sure which projects to support? Here is a list of some popular campaigns that you should look into!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Mirrors [Kickstarter]

[KickStarter] Mirrors

 Here is a game from Kickstarter 

- Please enjoy and consider backing this project! -

Mirrors is about two conscious forms of energy called Black Lotus and White Lotus. They are formless, enlightened beings that flow across the Multiverse, spreading beauty and compassion. However, from time to time, they assume physical forms and incorporate themselves into a certain aspect universe’s nature. In doing so, they develop a sense of self and an Ego separate from the Multiverse. However, in order for Black Lotus to exist as a self, White Lotus must cease to exist and be converted into Energy as a self and in order for White Lotus to exist as a self Black Lotus must cease to exist and be converted into energy. Creation in Black Lotus’s Universe may be construed as Destruction to White Lotus’s Universe. Ultimately they are one and every action initiated by Black Lotus is reciprocated by White Lotus. Black lotus is, White Lotus is not. White Lotus is, Black Lotus is not. There is no separation between them, they merely are.

Click Here for Kickstarter Page
Click Here for Files (Files on the Creators Website)

Please consider Funding this one... and Post a comment to let me know what you think.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

[KickStarter] Little Dungeon

 Here is a game from Kickstarter 

- Please enjoy and consider backing this project! -

Little Dungeon: Turtle Rock is a dungeon crawling card game. Designed to be simple, imaginative and accessible for young children while having a level of fun to captivate tweens, teens, young adults, parents and grandparents.
As you make your way through this dungeon adventure, collect all the treasure you can. You can get loot, weapons, and special cards to help you along the way, but keep an eye out for those monsters! They have a lot of goodies, but they won't give them up without a fight. You can defend against them, attack them or pay them off. If you defeat them, all their treasure is yours! But look out, for when the Shadow Mage makes his appearance the pace really picks up! The player who collects the most loot wins!

Click here for BGG page
Click Here for Kickstarter Page
Click Here for Files (Files on Kickstarter Page)

Please consider Funding this one... and Post a comment to let me know what you think.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

[Kickstarter] Stormy Weather

 Here is a game from Kickstarter 

- Please enjoy and consider backing this project! - 

Stormy Weather is two player game about two mad scientists competing to win a gardening trophy, using a series of increasingly powerful weather machines. Play takes place on a 3x5 board, where each square has one of five types of weather. Players take on the identity (and abilities) of one of the mad scientists.
Players use their weather machines to move or create weather, with the aim of getting good weather to their side of the board or giving bad weather to their opponents. These can range from the humble remote control cloud to the gargantuan Noahmatic or the planetary realigner. Each machine can normally be used once per round, so the sequencing of play is important. At the end of each turn, sun and rain help gardens to grow, while heatwave and lightning cause them to wither and die.

The final action of the game comes from the play of a 'taunt' card, which contains a special, hidden move and an associated threat to yell at your opponent.
The player with the most flowers at the end of the game will be the winner.

Click here for BGG page
Click here for Kickstarter
Click here for Files